Beetlejuice tries to cash in on the superhero trend sweeping the Neitherworld by becoming...UltraBeetleMan! With Lydia as his cub reporter sidekick, UBM sets out to thwart crime. Uh...If only there was any. Suddenly, Mt. Gushmore, Scumdon Bridge, The Fallen Arches of Triumph, the Awful Tower--and Lydia--are shrunk by four menacing business tycoons (""Honey, I Shrunk the Lyds""). Can UBM save the day?
Steven Ouimette
Alyson Court
Susan Roman
Len Carlson
Don Francks
Harvey Atkin
John Stocker
Tara Strong
Hadley Kay
Dan Hennessey
Ron Rubin
Colin Fox
Robert Cait
Stuart Stone
Tabitha St. Germain
Elizabeth Hanna
Keith Knight
Roger Dunn