The story takes place in a fictional future, within about 2,000 years, mankind was almost exterminated by the sudden appearance of humanoid beings known as Titans. Creatures of enormous size, in human form and seemingly little intelligence, they eat humans. Due to the size of the Titans, ranging from 3-15 meters high, humanity was devoured without contemplation, however, a small human group could survive in a huge area of walled grounds, protected by walls 50 meters height, three times the height of the tallest giant recorded to date of its construction.
107 years later, humanity lives peacefully within the walls and has not witnessed attacks by the Titans during that time, until one day, the young, Eren Jaeger and his foster sister Mikasa Ackerman, witness as a Titan as high as the wall itself, which will be known later as Colossal Titan suddenly makes its appearance, making an opening in one of the outer city walls, allowing the entry of a large group of smaller Titans . Both
Yuuki Kaji
Yui Ishikawa
Hiroshi Kamiya
Yu Kobayashi
Hiro Shimono
Hiroshi Tsuchida
Masahiko Tanaka
Saki Fujita
Shiori Mikami
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Keiji Fujiwara
Romi Park
Daisuke Ono
Tomohisa Hashizume