As a deadly game of chess unfolds in the wake of World War II, Russian grandmaster Dr Ivan Savaranoff meets a shocking end, sending the public spiraling into panic, as suspicion is cast upon Peace Party stalwarts Abe Ryland and Madame Olivier. In one of his toughest challenges yet, Poirot must work out who the villains are from the good people, as a complex plot sees a host of international figures used like pawns by a gang of dangerous dissidents tagged "The Big Four."
As the murders and disappearances stack up one by one, Poirot is joined in his investigations by his old friend Japp, the dogged journalist Tysoe, and struggling actress Flossie Monro, in an attempt to snare the killer and shatter "The Big Four" for good.
David Suchet
Hugh Fraser
Philip Jackson
Pauline Moran