In the penultimate episode of the schools drama series, Kaneez is initially furious to discover that Nas is considering the arranged marriage, but Nas brings her round. However, the pressure of planning the wedding and her web of lies leads Nas to break down to her mum and confess that she is gay. Meanwhile, while focusing on helping Missy get Hayley back and straighten out Simone, Emma neglects Chloe on her birthday, sending Chloe off the rails while Steve battles with Mandy's indiscretion - do they have a future?
Jo Joyner
Paul Nicholls
Liz White
Amy-Leigh Hickman
Poppy Lee Friar
Sunetra Sarker
Adil Ray
Anneika Rose
Tom Varey
Samuel Bottomley
Fern Deacon
Lorraine Cheshire
Maariah Hussain
Nohail Nazir Mohammed
Nazmeen Kauser